What Clients Don’t Know About Estate Planning

August 2018 - CCA

What Clients Don’t Know About Estate Planning

In three clicks, your potential clients can find more estate planning law firms than they know what to do with. They can also download documents that, to the untrained layperson, appear to solve the entire estate planning problem. We can help set your law firm apart, with the Client Care Academy. Your competition is tough, but a


Estate plans that are not updated don’t work

Clients want their estate plan to be a set-it-and-forget-it, one-time transaction. They have to really “get” why updating an estate plan on a regular basis is important—and they have to get to this on their own. We train attorneys in how they can get clients to this answer in the Client Care Academy. It’s harder than you’d


Momentum is Building about the Client Care Academy

We’ve been to Symposium before, but this time, it was different. The level of excitement and interest about the Client Care Academy, the book (How an Ordinary Lawyer Creates and Sustains an Extraordinary Client Care Program) and the two upcoming workshops –one in September and a second in November—generated a lot of attention and excitement. Here’s what