The Family Meeting: An Essential Part of the Estate Planning Process

Client Care Maintenance Program Archives - CCA

The Family Meeting: An Essential Part of the Estate Planning Process

An Essential Part of the Estate Planning Process – A look at how the family meeting plays a part in the traditional estate planning process and the new paradigm in estate planning, the client care program, published in The WealthCounsel Quarterly. An estate plan will more likely accomplish a client’s goals if the client is


Begin with the End in Mind: Asset Tracking as a Key Element to Any Estate Planning

One of the crucial questions attorneys ask when considering a client maintenance program is “What services should be included?” Many firms have delayed, suspended or terminated implementing an updating program because they are unsure of the services they should provide. There is no roadmap or “industry standard” regarding how to keep estate plans up-to-date and


Financial Value Implications of Employing the Client Maintenance System

Professional practices are valued based on intangible assets instead of tangible assets. Therefore, their value tends to be very dependent on earning capacity. Income Approach to valuation is based on two main inputs: Anticipated future cash flows available to owners derived from company assets (goodwill) The risk associated with generating those cash flows (discount rate)