An ongoing client care program requires servant leaders. You lead through serving your clients with your ongoing care and you lead through serving your employees by empowering them, coaching them, and learning from them.
It can be easy to become caught up in putting your firm, your clients, and your team members first. You want your program to succeed so you throw all your energy into it, meanwhile forgetting about yourself. Work-life balance can slip away without you even knowing. While it is important to have a client focused business, it is also important for you to take a step back and focus on you. Check in with yourself, are you balancing time with family and friends well? Are you getting enough sleep and eating right? How are you feeling mentally?
When ushering in change to your business it’s easy to feel the world will stop spinning if you take a minute to stop. Yet, it is crucial that you do. Try to take a mental health day or leave the office early twice one week. Part of implementing an ongoing client care program means trusting your team to take care of things, so take the leap of faith and let them run the show so you can take a break. You will thank yourself because while getting your client care program off the ground will take some sacrifice, it is important you are not burned out. You want to still be excited about the program and have the energy to convey excitement to clients.
Mix a little “selfish” in with your servant business model. In order to be selfless you have to be in a healthy place. In order to properly care for clients, take care of their families, and empower your team members, you need to the energy and balance to do so. Practicing work-life balance will set a good example for your team members and demonstrate to clients that you practice what you preach by taking care of yourself and your family.
Want to learn more about how to successfully implement an ongoing client care program and gain the tools and wisdom to do so sustainably? Join us this fall for our Foundations Workshop. Sign up today by contacting our Program Coordinator, Megan Davitt.
The necessity for servant leadership and work-balance is on the rise, we look forward to helping you see these elements become instrumental to your firm.